MidCoast Assist


MidCoast Assist is an aged care and disability support service operated by MidCoast Council.

MidCoast Council has made the decision to transition out of the delivery of ageing and disability services. For more information on our decision to transition out of ageing and disability services please see the following statements:


Aged Care Transition

MidCoast Council is planning for the transition of aged care services to Kirinari Community Services.

The transition of services is expected to take effect on 1 October 2024.


Disability Services Transition

MidCoast Council has now formally transitioned the disability services delivered by MidCoast Assist to Ability Options.

Ability Options can be contacted in the following ways:

By phone: 1300 422 454

By email: info@abilityoptions.org.au

Website: Enquire | Contact Us | Ability Options



If you are a current client or participant, or a family member or carer of a current client or participant and wish to contact us – please use this form